Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Weather or not to Puzzle

A couple of weeks ago, while shopping with my mom in Sacramento, I picked up a colorful 1000 piece puzzle for the family to work on together during the rainy weather. Well, we unsealed the box 2 nights ago, and the piece matching began. Kevin immediately started looking for the edges and I helped while he started to get the edges put together. Megan was a great help in getting the pieces organized by color. Tonight we got quite a few put together, but the problem is two-fold. The inside sections that are left are, of course the hardest parts (we did the easily identifiable building and semi-difficult sky parts) AND the puzzle is taking up the entire dining table. Thomas keeps asking when we are going to get it off the table. Not very soon, if he doesn't start helping! The big kids get back tomorrow night from their dad's house, so maybe with all 7 of us working on it, it will be done by Friday.
Meanwhile, my mom has started the puzzle she bought at the same time, and is having a slow go of it. I wonder if she wants to rent some Junior Puzzle Doers from this house..... She claims her puzzle choice is harder. We are going to switch when we get done, so then we will know if she is just crying wolf or not.