Aging stinks. I can't eat things I want to anymore without consequences, the aches and pains are more prolific, and what do you know? Stress causes palpitations. So, after going to visit the cute blue eyed Dr. in the ER last month and my first military medical appointment at Beale, I got to see Dr. Bajwa, everyone's favorite Cardiologist.
I arrived at my appointment last week and was greeted by the ultrasound tech, who did the echocardiogram and entertained me with stories of the horses she raises. She kept me as comfortable as one can be when wearing an attractive gown that opens in the front. When she was through, she told me to relax and hang out until Joe was ready to do my Thalmine Treadmill Test.
Soon, she was back and introducing me to Joe. Yeah, he was incredibly cute, but I knew he was going to be sticking me with a needle in the arm. I politely follow Joe down the hall and he explained the procedure to me. Then came the needle. I am not super good with wounds and skin integrity being broken but I tried to distract myself. Was doing fine until Joe told me that the vein had "blown"... not good to hear when you are a wimp. I started to pass out. What a humbling and humiliating thing to do. Not to mention you kinda feel like you are going to die. You forget that part if it's been awhile since you have fainted or passed out.
After I recovered, Joe was prepping me for the procedure and was getting the leads hooked up to the ECG monitor. To do this he needed to use... (play horror music here... dun dun dun...) the scruffy tape. I named it the scruffy tape after Joe broke off a piece and began to abraise my skin where the leads needed to go. I promptly told him that it didn't feel good and that I was going to blog about him and his scruffy tape. Needless to say, he said his friends don't request that he bring it to parties. Really? Duh...
So, to be true to my word, here is a picture of Joe's Scruffy Tape. May you never have to meet it in person.